Cellular Landscapes

Inspired by a personal experience with cancer, this series explores a microscopic perspective of the human body as it relates to disease, restoration and renewal through a wholistic interplay between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the self.

Reconnection 48" x 48" Yarn, gesso, oil on panel
Inhale, Exhale  72" x 36" Oil on canvas
Eukarya 36" x 48" Threads, rope, beads, gesso, gel medium, oil on panel.
Threaded Bond Between the Two 36" x 48" Beads, gesso, rope, tissue paper, mesh fabric, drawer liner, laundry bag mesh, oil on panel
Makros Phagein 36" x 48" Threads, rope, micro beads, silicone, gesso, oil on panel.
Regrowth 12" x 24" Oil on canvas
* Return to Wholeness 12" x 12" Oil on canvas
* Oviparious Vision 11" x 11" Oil on canvas
Prevailing Zygote 10" x 10" Oil on Canvas
Polarizing Forces 8" x 8" Oil on Canvas

"We all know that there are regions of the human spirit untrammeled by the world of physics. In the mystic sense of the creation around us, in the expression of art, in a yearning towards God, the soul grows upward and finds fulfillment of something implanted in its nature...Whether in the intellectual pursuits of science or in the mystical pursuits of the spirit, the light beckons ahead and the purpose surging in our nature responds."

- Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (Astrophysicist & Mathematician)

© 2024 Gina Jacklin. Content cannot be reproduced without permission. All rights reserved.